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Smoke-colored Elderberry in F minor
  • Smoke-colored Elderberry in F minor


    Natural, organic elegance in shades of amber obtained by few weeks of resting in the top part of a smokey chimney. Silky smooth on touch, wonderful to play, precise and clear. 
    Wondeful piece of instrument!

    Tuned to F minor

    Elderberry wood 

    Lenght: 46 cm
    Tone line: F-G-A-H-(C)-D-F


    Available for 3250 SEK / 325 €


    This flute is a combination of the traditional Native American flute and the classical european recorder flute (blockflöjt).

    The result is flute with stronger, more progressive or ringing sound that the native flute but- due to the simpler scale- much easier to manage that the recorder (blockflöjt).

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